Tuesday, January 6, 2009

November 2, 2008 Providence Children's Museum

We took Sophia to the Providence children's museum for the first time. She had so much fun. Her absolute favorite exhibit was the water room. I knew that would be her favorite, so we saved it for last.

She climbed onto this and was waving at Mark saying "Hi Dada". It was adorable.

She LOVED this cow! Other than the water room, this was probably her favorite thing. She did want to get off it and everytime we moved on to something new, she kept running back to it saying "The cow, the cow!". She loves her animals.
She had a blast in the little kids sections. She climbed this all by herself, over and over and over...

Sophia was terrified of this chair. As you can see she has a death grip on my neck.

Daddy's Girl

I think Mark liked this exhibit more than Sophia.

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